Friday, October 19, 2007

Virtualization 2.0 "A new era of competition"

VMWare was once seemed like the only chose for a virtualization platform. Now a new era competition is available from these contenders.

XenSource - The XenSource v4 Product Family enables businesses to deploy high-performance Windows and Linux virtual machines rapidly and easily, and to manage them and their related storage and networking resources from a single easy-to-use management console

Citrix - to provide multi-user remote access to centralized business resources, enables companies of all sizes to gracefully accommodate changes in hardware, software and end-user location. This in turn reduces the cost, time and effort to keep up-to-date tools and information in the hands of IT users.

Microsoft - Virtual Server 2005 provides a virtualization platform that runs most major x86 operating systems in a guest environment, and is supported by Microsoft as a host for Windows Server operating systems and Windows Server System applications. Including a comprehensive COM API, in combination with the Virtual Hard Drive (VHD) format and support for virtual networking, provide administrators complete scripted control of portable, connected virtual machines and enable easy automation of deployment, and ongoing change and configuration.

The data center run on the new era virtualization layer will provide:

Ubiquitous Hyper Visor
Enhanced provisioning
Policy based Management
Easy to deliver new services out to users
Enhanced Security

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